96.01 %
19.91 %
46.3 %
//! Lighting filters and light nodes.
use cssparser::{Color, RGBA};
use float_cmp::approx_eq;
use markup5ever::{expanded_name, local_name, namespace_url, ns};
use nalgebra::{Vector2, Vector3};
use num_traits::identities::Zero;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use std::cmp::max;
use crate::color::color_to_rgba;
use crate::document::AcquiredNodes;
use crate::drawing_ctx::DrawingCtx;
use crate::element::{set_attribute, ElementData, ElementTrait};
use crate::filters::{
context::{FilterContext, FilterOutput},
FilterEffect, FilterError, FilterResolveError, Input, Primitive, PrimitiveParams,
use crate::node::{CascadedValues, Node, NodeBorrow};
use crate::paint_server::resolve_color;
use crate::parsers::{NonNegative, NumberOptionalNumber, ParseValue};
use crate::properties::ColorInterpolationFilters;
use crate::rect::IRect;
use crate::rsvg_log;
use crate::session::Session;
use crate::surface_utils::{
shared_surface::{ExclusiveImageSurface, SharedImageSurface, SurfaceType},
ImageSurfaceDataExt, Pixel,
use crate::transform::Transform;
use crate::unit_interval::UnitInterval;
use crate::util::clamp;
use crate::xml::Attributes;
/// The `feDiffuseLighting` filter primitives.
pub struct FeDiffuseLighting {
base: Primitive,
params: DiffuseLightingParams,
pub struct DiffuseLightingParams {
in1: Input,
surface_scale: f64,
kernel_unit_length: Option<(f64, f64)>,
diffuse_constant: NonNegative,
impl Default for DiffuseLightingParams {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
in1: Default::default(),
surface_scale: 1.0,
kernel_unit_length: None,
diffuse_constant: NonNegative(1.0),
/// The `feSpecularLighting` filter primitives.
pub struct FeSpecularLighting {
params: SpecularLightingParams,
pub struct SpecularLightingParams {
specular_constant: NonNegative,
specular_exponent: f64,
impl Default for SpecularLightingParams {
specular_constant: NonNegative(1.0),
specular_exponent: 1.0,
/// Resolved `feDiffuseLighting` primitive for rendering.
pub struct DiffuseLighting {
light: Light,
/// Resolved `feSpecularLighting` primitive for rendering.
pub struct SpecularLighting {
/// A light source before applying affine transformations, straight out of the SVG.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum UntransformedLightSource {
/// A light source with affine transformations applied.
enum LightSource {
Distant {
azimuth: f64,
elevation: f64,
Point {
origin: Vector3<f64>,
Spot {
direction: Vector3<f64>,
limiting_cone_angle: Option<f64>,
impl UntransformedLightSource {
fn transform(&self, paffine: Transform) -> LightSource {
match *self {
UntransformedLightSource::Distant(ref l) => l.transform(),
UntransformedLightSource::Point(ref l) => l.transform(paffine),
UntransformedLightSource::Spot(ref l) => l.transform(paffine),
struct Light {
source: UntransformedLightSource,
lighting_color: Color,
color_interpolation_filters: ColorInterpolationFilters,
/// Returns the color and unit (or null) vector from the image sample to the light.
fn color_and_vector(
lighting_color: &RGBA,
source: &LightSource,
x: f64,
y: f64,
z: f64,
) -> (cssparser::RGBA, Vector3<f64>) {
let vector = match *source {
LightSource::Distant { azimuth, elevation } => {
let azimuth = azimuth.to_radians();
let elevation = elevation.to_radians();
azimuth.cos() * elevation.cos(),
azimuth.sin() * elevation.cos(),
LightSource::Point { origin } | LightSource::Spot { origin, .. } => {
let mut v = origin - Vector3::new(x, y, z);
let _ = v.try_normalize_mut(0.0);
let color = match *source {
LightSource::Spot {
} => {
let transparent_color = cssparser::RGBA::new(Some(0), Some(0), Some(0), Some(0.0));
let minus_l_dot_s =;
match limiting_cone_angle {
_ if minus_l_dot_s <= 0.0 => transparent_color,
Some(a) if minus_l_dot_s < a.to_radians().cos() => transparent_color,
_ => {
let factor = minus_l_dot_s.powf(specular_exponent);
let compute = |x| (clamp(f64::from(x) * factor, 0.0, 255.0) + 0.5) as u8;
cssparser::RGBA {
red: Some(compute(,
green: Some(compute(,
blue: Some(compute(,
alpha: Some(1.0),
_ => *lighting_color,
(color, vector)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct FeDistantLight {
impl FeDistantLight {
fn transform(&self) -> LightSource {
LightSource::Distant {
azimuth: self.azimuth,
elevation: self.elevation,
impl ElementTrait for FeDistantLight {
fn set_attributes(&mut self, attrs: &Attributes, session: &Session) {
for (attr, value) in attrs.iter() {
match attr.expanded() {
expanded_name!("", "azimuth") => {
set_attribute(&mut self.azimuth, attr.parse(value), session)
expanded_name!("", "elevation") => {
set_attribute(&mut self.elevation, attr.parse(value), session)
_ => (),
pub struct FePointLight {
impl FePointLight {
let (x, y) = paffine.transform_point(self.x, self.y);
let z = transform_dist(paffine, self.z);
LightSource::Point {
origin: Vector3::new(x, y, z),
impl ElementTrait for FePointLight {
expanded_name!("", "x") => set_attribute(&mut self.x, attr.parse(value), session),
expanded_name!("", "y") => set_attribute(&mut self.y, attr.parse(value), session),
expanded_name!("", "z") => set_attribute(&mut self.z, attr.parse(value), session),
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct FeSpotLight {
points_at_x: f64,
points_at_y: f64,
points_at_z: f64,
// We need this because, per the spec, the initial values for all fields are 0.0
// except for specular_exponent, which is 1.
impl Default for FeSpotLight {
fn default() -> FeSpotLight {
FeSpotLight {
x: 0.0,
y: 0.0,
z: 0.0,
points_at_x: 0.0,
points_at_y: 0.0,
points_at_z: 0.0,
limiting_cone_angle: None,
impl FeSpotLight {
let (points_at_x, points_at_y) =
paffine.transform_point(self.points_at_x, self.points_at_y);
let points_at_z = transform_dist(paffine, self.points_at_z);
let origin = Vector3::new(x, y, z);
let mut direction = Vector3::new(points_at_x, points_at_y, points_at_z) - origin;
let _ = direction.try_normalize_mut(0.0);
specular_exponent: self.specular_exponent,
limiting_cone_angle: self.limiting_cone_angle,
impl ElementTrait for FeSpotLight {
expanded_name!("", "pointsAtX") => {
set_attribute(&mut self.points_at_x, attr.parse(value), session)
expanded_name!("", "pointsAtY") => {
set_attribute(&mut self.points_at_y, attr.parse(value), session)
expanded_name!("", "pointsAtZ") => {
set_attribute(&mut self.points_at_z, attr.parse(value), session)
expanded_name!("", "specularExponent") => {
set_attribute(&mut self.specular_exponent, attr.parse(value), session);
expanded_name!("", "limitingConeAngle") => {
set_attribute(&mut self.limiting_cone_angle, attr.parse(value), session);
/// Applies the `primitiveUnits` coordinate transformation to a non-x or y distance.
fn transform_dist(t: Transform, d: f64) -> f64 {
d * (t.xx.powi(2) + t.yy.powi(2)).sqrt() / std::f64::consts::SQRT_2
impl ElementTrait for FeDiffuseLighting {
self.params.in1 = self.base.parse_one_input(attrs, session);
expanded_name!("", "surfaceScale") => {
set_attribute(&mut self.params.surface_scale, attr.parse(value), session);
expanded_name!("", "kernelUnitLength") => {
let v: Result<NumberOptionalNumber<f64>, _> = attr.parse(value);
match v {
Ok(NumberOptionalNumber(x, y)) => {
self.params.kernel_unit_length = Some((x, y));
Err(e) => {
rsvg_log!(session, "ignoring attribute with invalid value: {}", e);
expanded_name!("", "diffuseConstant") => {
&mut self.params.diffuse_constant,
impl DiffuseLighting {
fn compute_factor(&self, normal: Normal, light_vector: Vector3<f64>) -> f64 {
let k = if normal.normal.is_zero() {
// Common case of (0, 0, 1) normal.
} else {
let mut n = normal
.map(|x| f64::from(x) * self.params.surface_scale / 255.);
let normal = Vector3::new(n.x, n.y, 1.0); / normal.norm()
self.params.diffuse_constant.0 * k
impl ElementTrait for FeSpecularLighting {
expanded_name!("", "specularConstant") => {
&mut self.params.specular_constant,
&mut self.params.specular_exponent,
impl SpecularLighting {
let h = light_vector + Vector3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
let h_norm = h.norm();
if h_norm == 0.0 {
return 0.0;
let n_dot_h = if normal.normal.is_zero() {
h.z / h_norm / normal.norm() / h_norm
if approx_eq!(f64, self.params.specular_exponent, 1.0) {
self.params.specular_constant.0 * n_dot_h
self.params.specular_constant.0 * n_dot_h.powf(self.params.specular_exponent)
macro_rules! impl_lighting_filter {
($lighting_type:ty, $params_name:ident, $alpha_func:ident) => {
impl $params_name {
pub fn render(
bounds_builder: BoundsBuilder,
ctx: &FilterContext,
acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
draw_ctx: &mut DrawingCtx,
) -> Result<FilterOutput, FilterError> {
let input_1 = ctx.get_input(
let mut bounds: IRect = bounds_builder
let original_bounds = bounds;
let scale = self
.and_then(|(x, y)| {
if x <= 0.0 || y <= 0.0 {
Some((x, y))
.map(|(dx, dy)| ctx.paffine().transform_distance(dx, dy));
let mut input_surface = input_1.surface().clone();
if let Some((ox, oy)) = scale {
// Scale the input surface to match kernel_unit_length.
let (new_surface, new_bounds) =
input_surface.scale(bounds, 1.0 / ox, 1.0 / oy)?;
input_surface = new_surface;
bounds = new_bounds;
let (bounds_w, bounds_h) = bounds.size();
// Check if the surface is too small for normal computation. This case is
// unspecified; WebKit doesn't render anything in this case.
if bounds_w < 2 || bounds_h < 2 {
return Err(FilterError::LightingInputTooSmall);
let (ox, oy) = scale.unwrap_or((1.0, 1.0));
let source = self.light.source.transform(ctx.paffine());
let mut surface = ExclusiveImageSurface::new(
let lighting_color = color_to_rgba(&self.light.lighting_color);
let output_stride = surface.stride() as usize;
let mut output_data =;
let output_slice = &mut *output_data;
let compute_output_pixel =
|output_slice: &mut [u8], base_y, x, y, normal: Normal| {
let pixel = input_surface.get_pixel(x, y);
let scaled_x = f64::from(x) * ox;
let scaled_y = f64::from(y) * oy;
let z = f64::from(pixel.a) / 255.0 * self.params.surface_scale;
let (color, vector) =
color_and_vector(&lighting_color, &source, scaled_x, scaled_y, z);
// compute the factor just once for the three colors
let factor = self.compute_factor(normal, vector);
let compute =
|x| (clamp(factor * f64::from(x), 0.0, 255.0) + 0.5) as u8;
let r = compute(;
let g = compute(;
let b = compute(;
let a = $alpha_func(r, g, b);
let output_pixel = Pixel { r, g, b, a };
output_slice.set_pixel(output_stride, output_pixel, x, y - base_y);
// Top left.
bounds.x0 as u32,
bounds.y0 as u32,
Normal::top_left(&input_surface, bounds),
// Top right.
bounds.x1 as u32 - 1,
Normal::top_right(&input_surface, bounds),
// Bottom left.
bounds.y1 as u32 - 1,
Normal::bottom_left(&input_surface, bounds),
// Bottom right.
Normal::bottom_right(&input_surface, bounds),
if bounds_w >= 3 {
// Top row.
for x in bounds.x0 as u32 + 1..bounds.x1 as u32 - 1 {
Normal::top_row(&input_surface, bounds, x),
// Bottom row.
Normal::bottom_row(&input_surface, bounds, x),
if bounds_h >= 3 {
// Left column.
for y in bounds.y0 as u32 + 1..bounds.y1 as u32 - 1 {
Normal::left_column(&input_surface, bounds, y),
// Right column.
Normal::right_column(&input_surface, bounds, y),
if bounds_w >= 3 && bounds_h >= 3 {
// Interior pixels.
let first_row = bounds.y0 as u32 + 1;
let one_past_last_row = bounds.y1 as u32 - 1;
let first_pixel = (first_row as usize) * output_stride;
let one_past_last_pixel = (one_past_last_row as usize) * output_stride;
.for_each(|(slice, y)| {
Normal::interior(&input_surface, bounds, x, y),
let mut surface = surface.share()?;
// Scale the output surface back.
surface = surface.scale_to(
bounds = original_bounds;
Ok(FilterOutput { surface, bounds })
impl FilterEffect for $lighting_type {
fn resolve(
_acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
node: &Node,
) -> Result<Vec<ResolvedPrimitive>, FilterResolveError> {
let mut sources = node.children().rev().filter(|c| {
&& matches!(
| ElementData::FePointLight(_)
| ElementData::FeSpotLight(_)
let source_node =;
if source_node.is_none() || {
return Err(FilterResolveError::InvalidLightSourceCount);
let source_node = source_node.unwrap();
let source = match &*source_node.borrow_element_data() {
ElementData::FeDistantLight(l) => {
ElementData::FePointLight(l) => UntransformedLightSource::Point((**l).clone()),
ElementData::FeSpotLight(l) => UntransformedLightSource::Spot((**l).clone()),
_ => unreachable!(),
let cascaded = CascadedValues::new_from_node(node);
let values = cascaded.get();
Ok(vec![ResolvedPrimitive {
primitive: self.base.clone(),
params: PrimitiveParams::$params_name($params_name {
params: self.params.clone(),
light: Light {
lighting_color: resolve_color(
color_interpolation_filters: values.color_interpolation_filters(),
const fn diffuse_alpha(_r: u8, _g: u8, _b: u8) -> u8 {
fn specular_alpha(r: u8, g: u8, b: u8) -> u8 {
max(max(r, g), b)
impl_lighting_filter!(FeDiffuseLighting, DiffuseLighting, diffuse_alpha);
impl_lighting_filter!(FeSpecularLighting, SpecularLighting, specular_alpha);
/// 2D normal and factor stored separately.
/// The normal needs to be multiplied by `surface_scale * factor / 255` and
/// normalized with 1 as the z component.
/// pub for the purpose of accessing this from benchmarks.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Normal {
pub factor: Vector2<f64>,
pub normal: Vector2<i16>,
impl Normal {
fn new(factor_x: f64, nx: i16, factor_y: f64, ny: i16) -> Normal {
// Negative nx and ny to account for the different coordinate system.
Normal {
factor: Vector2::new(factor_x, factor_y),
normal: Vector2::new(-nx, -ny),
/// Computes and returns the normal vector for the top left pixel for light filters.
pub fn top_left(surface: &SharedImageSurface, bounds: IRect) -> Normal {
// Surface needs to be at least 2×2.
assert!(bounds.width() >= 2);
assert!(bounds.height() >= 2);
let get = |x, y| i16::from(surface.get_pixel(x, y).a);
let (x, y) = (bounds.x0 as u32, bounds.y0 as u32);
let center = get(x, y);
let right = get(x + 1, y);
let bottom = get(x, y + 1);
let bottom_right = get(x + 1, y + 1);
2. / 3.,
-2 * center + 2 * right - bottom + bottom_right,
-2 * center - right + 2 * bottom + bottom_right,
/// Computes and returns the normal vector for the top row pixels for light filters.
pub fn top_row(surface: &SharedImageSurface, bounds: IRect, x: u32) -> Normal {
assert!(x as i32 > bounds.x0);
assert!((x as i32) + 1 < bounds.x1);
let y = bounds.y0 as u32;
let left = get(x - 1, y);
let bottom_left = get(x - 1, y + 1);
1. / 3.,
-2 * left + 2 * right - bottom_left + bottom_right,
1. / 2.,
-left - 2 * center - right + bottom_left + 2 * bottom + bottom_right,
/// Computes and returns the normal vector for the top right pixel for light filters.
pub fn top_right(surface: &SharedImageSurface, bounds: IRect) -> Normal {
let (x, y) = (bounds.x1 as u32 - 1, bounds.y0 as u32);
-2 * left + 2 * center - bottom_left + bottom,
-left - 2 * center + bottom_left + 2 * bottom,
/// Computes and returns the normal vector for the left column pixels for light filters.
pub fn left_column(surface: &SharedImageSurface, bounds: IRect, y: u32) -> Normal {
assert!(y as i32 > bounds.y0);
assert!((y as i32) + 1 < bounds.y1);
let x = bounds.x0 as u32;
let top = get(x, y - 1);
let top_right = get(x + 1, y - 1);
-top + top_right - 2 * center + 2 * right - bottom + bottom_right,
-2 * top - top_right + 2 * bottom + bottom_right,
/// Computes and returns the normal vector for the interior pixels for light filters.
pub fn interior(surface: &SharedImageSurface, bounds: IRect, x: u32, y: u32) -> Normal {
let top_left = get(x - 1, y - 1);
1. / 4.,
-top_left + top_right - 2 * left + 2 * right - bottom_left + bottom_right,
-top_left - 2 * top - top_right + bottom_left + 2 * bottom + bottom_right,
/// Computes and returns the normal vector for the right column pixels for light filters.
pub fn right_column(surface: &SharedImageSurface, bounds: IRect, y: u32) -> Normal {
let x = bounds.x1 as u32 - 1;
-top_left + top - 2 * left + 2 * center - bottom_left + bottom,
-top_left - 2 * top + bottom_left + 2 * bottom,
/// Computes and returns the normal vector for the bottom left pixel for light filters.
pub fn bottom_left(surface: &SharedImageSurface, bounds: IRect) -> Normal {
let (x, y) = (bounds.x0 as u32, bounds.y1 as u32 - 1);
-top + top_right - 2 * center + 2 * right,
-2 * top - top_right + 2 * center + right,
/// Computes and returns the normal vector for the bottom row pixels for light filters.
pub fn bottom_row(surface: &SharedImageSurface, bounds: IRect, x: u32) -> Normal {
let y = bounds.y1 as u32 - 1;
-top_left + top_right - 2 * left + 2 * right,
-top_left - 2 * top - top_right + left + 2 * center + right,
/// Computes and returns the normal vector for the bottom right pixel for light filters.
pub fn bottom_right(surface: &SharedImageSurface, bounds: IRect) -> Normal {
let (x, y) = (bounds.x1 as u32 - 1, bounds.y1 as u32 - 1);
-top_left + top - 2 * left + 2 * center,
-top_left - 2 * top + left + 2 * center,
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::borrow_element_as;
use crate::document::Document;
fn extracts_light_source() {
let document = Document::load_from_bytes(
br#"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="">
<filter id="filter">
<feDiffuseLighting id="diffuse_distant">
<feDistantLight azimuth="0.0" elevation="45.0"/>
<feSpecularLighting id="specular_point">
<fePointLight x="1.0" y="2.0" z="3.0"/>
<feDiffuseLighting id="diffuse_spot">
<feSpotLight x="1.0" y="2.0" z="3.0"
pointsAtX="4.0" pointsAtY="5.0" pointsAtZ="6.0"
specularExponent="7.0" limitingConeAngle="8.0"/>
let mut acquired_nodes = AcquiredNodes::new(&document);
let node = document.lookup_internal_node("diffuse_distant").unwrap();
let lighting = borrow_element_as!(node, FeDiffuseLighting);
let resolved = lighting.resolve(&mut acquired_nodes, &node).unwrap();
let ResolvedPrimitive { params, .. } = resolved.first().unwrap();
let diffuse_lighting = match params {
PrimitiveParams::DiffuseLighting(l) => l,
UntransformedLightSource::Distant(FeDistantLight {
azimuth: 0.0,
elevation: 45.0,
let node = document.lookup_internal_node("specular_point").unwrap();
let lighting = borrow_element_as!(node, FeSpecularLighting);
let specular_lighting = match params {
PrimitiveParams::SpecularLighting(l) => l,
UntransformedLightSource::Point(FePointLight {
x: 1.0,
y: 2.0,
z: 3.0,
let node = document.lookup_internal_node("diffuse_spot").unwrap();
UntransformedLightSource::Spot(FeSpotLight {
points_at_x: 4.0,
points_at_y: 5.0,
points_at_z: 6.0,
specular_exponent: 7.0,
limiting_cone_angle: Some(8.0),